Section 26.18, Tax Code and Section 2051.202, Government Code Compliance
- Amendment to Information Form
- Annual Financial Reports
- Conflict Disclosure Statement Form
- Conflict of Interest Questionnaire
- Energy Consumption Reports
- Landowner’s Bill of Rights and Condemnation Procedures
- Notice to Purchaser of Real Estate
- Orders Levying Taxes
- Rate Order
- Resolutions Concerning Exemptions from Taxation
- Resolution Establishing Addresses and Methods for Texas Public Information Act Requests
- Title Inquiry Form
Useful Links
- Homeowners have the ability to secure trash services individually and there are no current restrictions on specific providers to use. The two providers below have the best track record and best service provided to our area:
- Coastal Bend Waste – (361) 941-3044
- White Trash Services – (361) 550-1826
- Homeowners have the ability to review information on the District’s Water Quality by using the below link:
The District generally meets on the third Thursday of the month at 3:00 p.m. at the Lamar Volunteer Fire Department, 302 Bois D’ Arc Street, Rockport, Texas 78382.
Please be advised that Board meetings will be held by telephone conference call. Meeting agendas include telephone conference call dial-in number (toll free) and associated access code for all interested persons to join the meeting.